Monday, March 17, 2008

The Laundry Files

I HATE laundry! I have washed 4 loads so far today and have 2 1/2 loads left. Plus I have 3 loads from last week left to fold and put away. Of course, if you know me, I don't do laundry like mainstream America...I do it the LoveToResellGymbo way!

That involves sorting into whites, towels, darks & lights. Darks and Lights get washed in cold, and then most of them get hung to dry. I have 2 wooden racks in my dining room and about 8 feet of closet shelving in the Laundry room to hang tops with hangers. On the drying racks I put the kids jeans and other pants, my pants, my tops, sweaters, tights and special socks.

I know people think I am crazy for putting so much effort into my laundry, but hey, when you can resell a used outfit for a few dollars less then you (or grandma in my case, love you mom!) paid for it, why not!

Then I can buy new stuff, and who doesn't like new stuff?! So, I guess I should like laundry then, huh?


melbo said...

Nothing could EVER make me love doing laundry. It's right up there with going to the post office in my book. My next boy will just have make do with his faded and frayed hand-me-downs!

OmaMary said...

Missy says that I cannot read something without posting a comment. Well, I never knew how to post a comment before, but Missy has taught me and has also helped me set up a blog account. I will email this to you shortly. As for the laundry, it is probably my fault that you guys don't like doing the laundry. When you were little I kept all the fun to myself. It starts out like a game where you sort by matching colors, and after the wash you play the memory game where you match like outfits, shirts, pants, socks, etc. and then fold them and put them away. I love seeing a clean top on my washer and dryer. All done - now go and have some fun. Try it for yourself. Make it a game. Come on. Maybe you will like it. ;-)